Auto insurance quotes from DeMattos Insurance

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When you need to make a claim, we are committed to the highest service standards

If you own or lease a car, you'll find dependable service, competitive rates and attractive coverage options with our auto insurance packages.

Automobile Insurance: If you own or lease a car, you’ll find dependable service, competitive rates and attractive coverage options with our auto insurance packages. When you need to make a claim, we are committed to the highest service standards.

We take the hassle out of auto insurance

We offer a range of…

bill plans
and service options

Safe Driver

We can help you save money with driver training, college kids away at school.

Multi Car

We can help you save money with multiple cars.

Coverage Tips

Tips For Switching Coverage

Insurance Tips

Auto Insurance Tips

10 Good Reasons to Consider Switching Your Insurance Coverage

1. When you’re with a direct writer. If price, coverage and claims payment are important to you, remember that captive agents are not independent. They work for their company first and for you second.

2. When premiums increase every year. Sure, prices can go up. But they can also go down. If you face automatic increases every year, either your agent is not able to change companies, or doesn’t wish to.

3. When your agent doesn’t shop for you. You shouldn’t have to call a half dozen sources to get the best coverage and competitive rates. Your agent, should analyze your needs and offer you options from which to choose.

4. When an agent doesn’t offer you risk management. Hints on reducing risk and installing safety devices (alarm systems, dead bolts, etc) should be part of the service. They can save you money as well as grief.

5. When you hear from your agent only at renewal time. You deserve to be contacted periodically not just when a premium is due. A mid year review on most coverage (to be sure they are still current should be part of the service.

6. When you call and it takes forever to find your file or call back. When you call, its important so whether your agent a customer representative or a secretary answers, your account information should be immediately available. An important part of the service.

7. When there’s no personal claims service. Lets face it-when you have a loss you don’t want to talk to a recording or voice mail or an “800” number. You want and deserve a human voice and personal assistance for a fast, fair claim settlement.

8. When you cant get all of your coverage from a single source. Personal lines (and commercial coverage’s if you have a business) and life/accident and health insurance can all be under one roof. That way no matter what protection you need – no matter what losses you suffer, you always know where to go.

9. When you don’t have your own agent or customer service representative. Insurance is a service business and you’re entitled to be served-not only by an agent but by a customer service representative and a dedicated staff that cares about your important business.

10. When you’re not so sure about the insurer who provides your coverage. Stability should be the name of the game when it comes to your insurance company. If you don’t recognize the name, or find that the company has a poor rating it’s probably a good idea to get a second opinion.

Tips on Car Insurance

1. Opt for a stable insurer. While most insurers provide fair settlements, time is money too. Be sure the carrier you choose has a reputation for fast claim service.

2. Don’t over-insure. Choose only the coverage you need. For example, if your car is five years old maybe you should drop collision coverage.

3. Don’t under-insure. Saving a few dollars up front could cost you significantly at the time of loss.

4. Select the right deductible. By self-insuring what you can afford deductibles can save you significant premium dollars.

5. Choose the appropriate limits. Don’t underestimate jury awards often they are astronomical. Consider your liability coverage carefully.

6. Excess Liability. This is economical coverage that picks up where your auto and homeowners liability leaves off. It can save huge amounts in the event of a large judgment against you.

7. Ask about discounts. Some insurers offer multi-car discounts and safe driver discounts even discounts based on years of experience and retirement status.

8. The Comprehensive coverage question. Without this option, you will not be paid for fire, theft or other loses out of your control.

9. Uninsured motorist coverage. This is an important dollar saver in the event you are the victim of a hit and run driver without insurance.

10. Towing and replacement vehicles. Following an accident without this coverage you might have to go out of pocket to move your car or rent a replacement vehicle.

11. Collision coverage. If you have a car loan, this coverage is required but you should protect your interests too in the event your car is badly damaged by unknown persons.

12. Most Important -Talk to us. We’re Independent agents representing several companies that want to compete for your home and auto insurance. We shop for you. When you consult with us we’ll help you make all of the right choices for your auto insurance. Most important, at the time of loss, we represent your interests, not those of the insurance company. In the event you have a claim you can count on us to work with you for a fast, fair settlement.

Being involved in an accident can be a nerve-wracking, disorienting experience. While we hope you never need this information, it’s here if you do.

In the event of an accident, please remember to:

DON’T “Make a Deal” for damages.

DON’T leave the scene of even a MINOR accident.

DON’T accept an offer of cash, check or “private” settlement.

DON’T deny injury to you or your passengers.

DON’T offer to pay ANYTHING even if you think you are at fault.

DON’T administer first aid unless you are LICENSED to do so.

DO (when conditions permit) move to the shoulder or other “SAFE AREA” to prevent further damage.

DO ask someone to summon police and seek medical assistance. Repeat at 5-minute intervals.

DO remember the 3C’s: Remain CALM, COURTEOUS,CONSISTENT in your discussion of the accident.

DO obtain complete information from those involved.

DO complete this report at the scene – not later on.

DO obtain the names of witnesses including addresses and phone numbers.

DO notify the owner of the car that you are driving as soon as possible

4 of 5 recommend DeMattos Insurance

DeMattos Insurance Agency is a firm of proven professionals; the kind of people you can depend on.

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